Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики

Course of lab activities on control theory based on the Lego NXT

Авторы: Kapitonov A., Капитанюк Ю., Антонов Е., Сысолятин Д., Bobtsov A., Pyrkin A., Chepinskiy S.

Год издания: 2014

Издание: 19th IFAC World Congress, August 24-29

Страна: 30Россия

Город: Cape Town

This article presents practical course content of a control theory subject used in the Control Systems and Informatics department of the ITMO University. There are many dierent examples of the empirical development and model based control algorithms. Course begins with the simple line tracer robot and ends with the inverted pendulum on a cart. During the course, students are oered to learn the problems related with identication, modelling and programming, based on the Lego NXT platform.

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