Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Dynamic Positioning System for Nonlinear MIMO Plants and Surface Robotic Vessel

Authors: Pyrkin A., Bobtsov A., Kolyubin S., Surov M., Vediakov A., Feskov A., Vlasov S., Krasnov A., Borisov O., Gromov V.

Year: 2013

Publisher: 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control

Published: IFAC

Section: Simulation in Control Applications

Number: №1

Pages: 1867-1872

Country: Россия

City: Saint-Petersburg

Editor: Conference Editor: Bakhtadze, Natalia, Chernyshov, Kirill, Dolgui, Alexandre, Lototsky, Vladimir

In this paper the new control approach for a class of nonlinear MIMO systems with unknowns is proposed. The mathematical model is divided on two parts: static MIMO transformation and a few SISO channels that allows to design the control law in two steps. At the fi,rst step we design the virtual controls for each SISO channel and then after the inverse MIMO transformation we propose the control law for considered system. In the paper the recent advantages in the development of adaptive output control approach using high-gain principle named by the authors as “,consecutive compensator”, is applied for SISO channels. We present the robotic research setup designed for analysis of control algorithms oriented to complex technical objects. This setup is a model of real plant with similar constraints for developers: parametric uncertainty, delay, disturbances, and bounded control. The most important advantages is modeling of the real plant with maximum equivalence. The paper deals with the robotic research complex in the form of vessel with several actuators which allows to investigate diff,erent control problems such as stabilization of the motion along a given trajectory, the dynamic positioning of a point, etc.

DOI: 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00287

ISBN: 978-3-902823-35-9

ISSN: 1474-6670

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