Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Research Areas

Department of Control Systems and Informatics research activities are focused on area 50-03: Control Theory. Research activities are conducted according to the State Programs, programs of Ministry of Education, individual and group projects (grants) and joint projects with the leading Russian and European research centers and industrial companies.

Nonlinear Control. We develop nonlinear systems theory and its applications for tasks of analysis and design of complex dynamical processes. The research is based on differential-geometric methods, qualitative stability theory and coordinated control of multy-channel systems.

Adaptive, Robust and Self-learning Systems. The research covers aspects of control of plants with apriori uncertain mathematical models and is based on methods of augmented error, backstepping and nonlinear robust control.

Information Processing and Remote Control. Analysis and design of logic-dynamic systems on the base of abstract information theory; computed-aided methods for simulation and implementation of digital remote control systems; design of coding and decoding systems for noise suppression in information transmission processes.

Applied Research is focused on algorithms, soft ware and computer-aided design of electromechanic plants, robots and mechatronic systems; precision measurements and signal processing in optical systems and adaptive optics.