Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Laboratory "Nonlinear Adaptive Control Systems"

Department of Control Systems and Informatics

Last news

  • International accreditation

    International certificate

    Master Educational program “Intelligent  technologies in robotics” was sucsecfully accredit by European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes EUR-ACE Master.

  • Summer school

    In summer Department of Control systems and informatics will hold “Summer school” for bachelor students from Shanghai University of Engineering  Science and master students from Hangzhou Dianzi University.

    Teaching included three sections: modern control theory, system and complex simulation and digital control systems/ Scientific research project is also included.

    Participants will receive certificate of competition after the end of the school.

Higher Education Institution: Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics”

Research Area: Nonlinear, Adaptive and Robust Control.

Project: Development of approaches and methods of nonlinear, adaptive and robust control of complex technical systems in conditions of uncertainty, delay and external disturbances.

Main tasks of the project: conducting fundamental theoretical research on the following directions

  • L1 – adaptive control
  • Bilinear systems
  • Observer design for mechanical systems
  • Distributed mechatronic systems
  • Control of underactuated systems
  • Estimation of motor parameters without additional sensors
  • Control of multiagent systems
  • Nonlinear parameterization
  • Passive control systems
  • Adaptive control of systems with varying parameters
  • Remote control of mechatronic systems via the Internet

Target research results: Theoretical investigations and development of adaptive, robust and nonlinear control algorithms in conditions of delay, uncertain dynamics and external disturbances.

Leading researcher: Ortega Martinez Romeo Salvador

Romeo Ortega

Date and place of birth: 12.03.1954

Citizenship: Mexico

Country of residence: France

Scientific degree and rank: Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Positions: Research Director in CNRS

Research fields of interest: nonlinear, adaptive and robust control.

Scientific recognition:

  • author of more than 600 papers in rewiewed journals and monographies
  • more than 30 successfully defended postgraduate students
  • plenary speaker at 24 international conferences
  • participant of international program committees of 73 international conferences (including 3 conferences as Chair)
  • has been teaching PhD courses in institutions all over the world (including SUPELEC, University of Illinois, McGill University, Sophia University, Zhejiang University and many others)
  • organizer of 32 seminars and visiting schools all over the world.

Winner of the following awards: Fellow IEEE 2009.