Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Brief information
The wide educational program specialization, knowledge of multi-purpose methods of control systems research and design, hands-on experience with advanced software allow graduates to find a job at industrial enterprises, technical services and data centers of various organizations and institutions, and also in commercial structures.

Department of Control Systems and Informatics

Last news

  • International accreditation

    International certificate

    Master Educational program “Intelligent  technologies in robotics” was sucsecfully accredit by European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes EUR-ACE Master.

  • Summer school

    In summer Department of Control systems and informatics will hold “Summer school” for bachelor students from Shanghai University of Engineering  Science and master students from Hangzhou Dianzi University.

    Teaching included three sections: modern control theory, system and complex simulation and digital control systems/ Scientific research project is also included.

    Participants will receive certificate of competition after the end of the school.

Department management

Head of the department:

professor, doctor of science  Alexey A. Bobtsov

Vice head of the department for scientific work:

professor, doctor of science Anatoliy V. Ushakov

Vice head of the department for educational work:

docent, Ph.D. Vladimir I. Boikov

Vice head of the department for administrative work:

docent, Ph.D. Sergey V. Bystrov

Vice head of the department for project activity:

professor, doctor of science Valeriy V. Grigoriev

Laboratory "Nonlinear adaptive control systems"

According to the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on April 9, 2010 № 220 "About calling leading scientists to Russian institutions of higher education, research institutions of state academies of sciences and national research centers of the Russian Federation" Laboratory Nonlinear adaptive control systems" under supervising of leading scientist Ortega Martinez Romeo Salvador was established at the Department of Control Systems and Informatics, agreement №14.Z50.31.0031 on March 4, 2014.